What is Inflight WiFi - How Does It Work

    Flying might be an exciting experience for the first few times. However, we all know how it can get boring quickly afterwards, especially if you don’t know what is inflight Wi-Fi. 

    To many people, or some of us in CabinZero at least, flying has become one of the most boring parts of our travelling journey. After carefully planning your trip, flying is just sitting in one place for a long time, but also is what stands between us and the wonderful destinations.

    Yet, things have changed since we started using inflight WiFi! A couple of movies, online gaming, chatting with friends, etc., then it arrives.

    Tips: We always watch some travelling videos about the destinations right before landing. It hypes up the anticipation.  

    What is Inflight WiFi?

    What is Inflight WiFi? - CabinZero

    There is more than just looking out of the window. Photo by Ethan Hu on Unsplash

    Inflight WiFi refers to the wireless internet connectivity provided during flights. Just like normal service on the ground, it allow