How To Pack Your Backpack Like A Pro For Hassle-free Travel

    Not many people know the importance of how to pack your backpack efficiently. That is until they struggle to get things out of it without making a mess. Or they can’t help noticing it doesn’t sit right on their shoulder. It will soon become a big headache, especially during a long trip. 

    There’s one simple thing every experienced backpack fan knows by heart. It’s that smart packing saves. It saves time, saves space, and saves you from all the stress. With a nicely packed backpack, it doesn’t matter where you’re going - a trip across Europe or a sun-soaked holiday in the tropics, you’re good to go.

    But don’t fret if you haven’t figured out the best ways to pack your backpack yet. Everybody starts somewhere. This backpack packing guide is here to help you.

     Packing a backpack is an art we should all learn to keep things hassle-free.

    4 Common Backpack Packing Mistakes You’re Making

    Some people dread wearing backpacks because they find it uncomfortable and hard to organise. But there’s a reason why experienced travellers swear over a backpack than a suitcase. 

    So, in most cases, if you find packing and wearing backpacks frustrating, here are four common packing mistakes. Or as we like to call it, “The Four Horsemen Of A Bad Packing”.

    You’re overpacking

    You can’t stand having your backpack on your back for more than two hours. It drags your shoulders down, and the straps are tight. Even the whole bag feels wonky and bulky.

    It’s a clear sign you’re overpacking your bag’s capacity. Then you wrap up your trip and find out the “extra” two sets of outfits you prepare are never really needed in the first place.

    You’re poorly organising your backpack

    At the airport, you’re asked to put your electronics on the tray for a security check. You reach in, and all you can feel are your clothes, toiletries bag and many other miscellaneous items. You need to dig all the way to the bottom to find your bag of chargers and camera, but then everything on top is already a mess. 

    This is one of the many scenarios that can happen when you don’t know how to organise your backpack. 

    You’re underpacking

    It’s overpacking’s equally dreaded sibling. Your backpack feels suspiciously light. You tell yourself, “Well, I’m not going to need it, anyway.” Then, when you get to your destination, it turns out to be the thing you need the most.

    This happens a lot for trips to various destinations with different climates. For example, you underestimate the rainy weather in London and don’t bother to bring a brolly or a rain cover for your backpack.

    You’re using up space for non-essentials

    By the time the last clothing item is placed inside your backpack, you’re left with no more space to put your shoes, toiletries and electronics. This happens when you use the wrong packing technique for clothes. 

    Instead of folding them into something smaller, you’re just placing them, one on top of another, to make a giant stack of clothes. Does that shirt really have to be laid spread out like that, or can it be rolled up and tucked into a corner?

     Good packing is all about comfort, no matter where you are going. 

    How To Pack Your Backpack Efficiently: Step-By-Step Guide

    Stuffing everything into your backpack like a game of Tetris is one way to do it. Except, it’s a game of Tetris gone wrong.

    It’s that heart-sinking feeling when you realise you’ve got no space left to put your essentials in. Or, you’ve put all the important stuff, like your travel documents, below a thick stack of clothes.

    Here’s a simple breakdown of all the steps you need to know how to pack your backpack efficiently:

    1. Choose the right backpack for the trip
    2. Make a checklist of things you need
    3. Lay out and categorise everything
    4. Pack liquids in a separate pouch
    5. Pack bulky and non-essentials at the bottom
    6. Keep your essentials in easy-to-reach pockets
    7. Roll your clothes
    8. Accessorise your backpack with packing cubes and rain cover (if needed).
    9. Double-check everything
    10. Keep refining your packing after every trip.

    After you’ve got the perfect backpack for your trip and a personalised packing checklist, it’s time to pack things up.

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